Author: fyl

Elgg (again)

I have used elgg before. It is "old" social media web site software. By old I mean both that it has been around for may years and it is just social software, [...]

Keybase Adds Teams

Over a year ago I talked about Keybase and I am back to say more. When I posted before it was an alternative way to confirm the identity of others (using other [...]

Practical Public Key Encryption

We are used to using PGP, GPG, ... to do public key encryption. But, what's wrong is that using PGP or GPG is relatively confusing. Any good geek can figure it [...]

Vocho — Update 1

This story started when we got the car, a 1972 VW SuperBeetle. The plan is to restore it and then covert it to electric. Note that all future posts will be [...]

ToDo Lists in DokuWiKi

Much to the disgust of many of my friends, I love Wikis. The flexibility they offer you is perfect for the way I think. And one thing that is beyond a Wiki is [...]

My New Car Project

I just bought a "new" car. That is, it is only 45 years old. A 1972 Super Beetle or, as we say here, Vocho. The first question you will ask is, why? I have [...]

Electric Car Conversions

Back in the late 1990s I converted a VW Rabbit to electric. A totally low-tech conversion with a DC motor and lead-acid batteries but it became my primary [...]

Learning Things

When I was first learning Spanish I agonized over the rules for "por vs. para", "ser vs. estar" and a few others. I was afraid to speak because I might make "a [...]


Kanboard is a project management system with a non-typical approach. If you are familiar with Trello, it is very much like that but Open Source. You can find [...]

Is “fyl” a Code Name?

I have been watching a lot of George Webb youtube "episodes". One thing that comes up is who on-line personalities really are. George, Trish and Jason have [...]